Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Going Back In Time

Well, here we go, I'm starting with some old photos, going back in time. This was 6 years ago! Gramma Chesta visited us for Christmas! Maddie was just a little baby! Here are some cute pix of her...sigh...

They grow up so fast! Um, yeah, that IS my booty in the background...sorry...

Here is one of my all-time favorite photos ever! Maddie and JR. They are both so cute! :)
Jeff had just started traveling to Asia and bought some cheap, cheap movies for the boys for Christmas. A couple were OK. Nolan is in the background trying out "8 Mile" and it was SO BAD! Remember that boys? :) Someone had, literally, taken a movie camera into the theatre and filmed the movie on the screen while they watched it! Ah Asia and their pirated movies! Gotta love 'em! :) That's what you get when you pay $1 USD for a movie! :)

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